Environmental groups called foul this week when the City of San Antonio Zoning Commissionapproved a plan to rezone a section of Brooks City Base to make way for a possible water bottling plant on Tuesday. The fast-tracked rezoning request was on the agenda for City Council to vote on Thursday, but according to staff, Brooks City Base requested that the vote be postponed. The zoning case will be pulled from Thursday’s agenda to be considered in August.
South Texas is known for long periods of drought and with the rate increases from the Vista Ridge water pipeline deal in sight, a water bottling plant is incongruous with the City’s long-term environmental concerns, stated Meredith McGuire, a professor at Trinity University, and co-chair of the Alamo Sierra Club Conservation Committee in an email.
“I’m anxiously awaiting a briefing with SAWS and will push for it if it doesn’t happen soon,” Councilmember Ron Nirenberg (D8) said… Read full article from the Rivard Report