On the Water Quality Protection Lands, we’ve been experimenting with soil solarization to control invasive grasses in summer (June-August). This process uses solar radiation to heat the roots and seed of herbaceous plants to such high temperatures that they are no longer able to grow and spread.

If you have ever pulled weeds in your yard, only to find that they continue to grow and spread from seed or roots left behind, you may want to try this method at home. We are using it to eliminate invasive Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense), but the process works on many types of invasive plants. You can also use it to make way for native landscapes or rain gardens (and might even be able to get a rebate from Austin Water for your hard work!). Follow this step-by-step guide to do some solarization to manage invasives in your own yard.


Read more from Jaya Torres about how can do this from home here.